One FREE copy automatically shipped with any order!
An economical, easy-to-use guide for your organization's president and members!
It also has been used by the author and other instructors as a reference for a 1-2 hour workshop (overhead projector transparencies of the brochure are also available on this web site.)
This brochure covers in detail the steps in handling an order of business, a main motion, and an amendment. The basic rules for 27 common motions and a table for determining majority and two-thirds votes are also included. OVER 37,000 COPIES HAVE BEEN PURCHASED!
Because it is made of 110# index paper and is a convenient 6 page, 5.7" x 11" size, it is durable and easily stored brochure. Copyrignt 2001, revised 2011.
This product was added to our catalog on Monday 27 December, 2004.